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运输调度专员 Transport Disposition Coordinator
5000-8000元 苏州吴中区 应届毕业生 大专
运输调度专员 Transport Disposition Coordinator
5000-8000元 苏州吴中区 应届毕业生 大专
职责描述: 1. 确保内陆出口货物在装货前完成当地海关报关; 2. 向中央配载中心提供特殊货物申请,并确保在特殊货物接受/装载之前获得批准; 3. 参与货物结关,并与特约供货商、货运公司保持联系,以便有需要时进行问题解决; 4. 确保所有特殊货物(危险货物、冷藏货物和超高货物)都有特殊货物清单提供给终点和转出码头办公室; 5. 在系统中创建和准备工作单; 6. 通过密切追踪、监测和规划,确保高质量的运输连接; 7. 对内陆货物从仓库空捡开始监测,直到转运至装载港的主干线船只; 8. 核对和比较每个供应商每月开具的发票/工作订单; 9. 在系统中更新货柜运输/转运的信息; 10. 和新供应商进行谈判,以达到提升业绩以及降低成本的目的; 11. 编制并提供每月节省费用的累计统计数字,包括内河港口和内陆运输的进出境费用; 12. 协助客户解决运输过程中相关问题。 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上学历; 2. 1-3年相关工作经验;或应届毕业生,物流、国际贸易、采购及供应管理相关专业优先; 3. 海运行业工作经验优先; 4. 仓库检查和维修经验尤佳; 5. 良好的英语口语和书写能力; 6. 熟练运用办公软件; 7. 良好的沟通能力,独立工作能力以及团队合作能力; 8. 积极乐观的工作态度,抗压能力强。 Key Responsibilities: 1. Cooperate with state agent to ensure inland export cargo declared at local customs house before loading. 2. Furnish special cargo application to CPU and ensure approval is granted before acceptance/loading of special cargo onboard. 3. Attend cargo closing and liaise with Feeder Company, trucking company to settle if required. 4. Ensure all special (Dangerous, Reefer, and U/C) cargo are supported by special cargo list to terminal office and out port offices. 5. Create and prepare work-orders in system. 6. Close tracing / monitoring / planning high quality of the t/s connection 7. Monitoring inland cargo from empty pick from depot until t/s on mainliner vessel at load port. 8. Check and compare with monthly invoice/work order for each vendor. 9. Update container on-carriage/vessel connection and schedule in system. 10. Negotiate new vendor to be target at upgrade performance and lower cost. 11. Prepare and provide an accumulative statistic of monthly cost saving including both Inbound and Outbound by river port and inland haulage. 12. Assist customers solving t/s problems. Qualification: 1. Diploma or bachelor degree. 2. 1-3years of relevant experience; or fresh graduate with major in logistics, international trade, purchasing and supply chain management or related is preferred. 3. Experience in the Maritime Industry is preferred. 4. Depot inspection and repair experience is an added advantage. 5. Good command of English both oral and written. 6. Proficient in Microsoft office. 7. Able to communicate well, work independently as well as in team. 8. Positive and pleasant attitude. 9. Able to work under pressure. Note: Salary will commensurate with your qualification, experience and skills. 薪资会根据您的资历、经验和技能来决定。 The personal information provided by you in applying this career opportunity may be transferred to other Hapag-Lloyd entities and/or to third party vendors outside of China for evaluation and processing purpose. Hapag-Lloyd will ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information in according to the applicable data privacy laws, including the Chinese Cybersecurity Law. By submitting your application, you grant your consent to Hapag-Lloyd for transferring the personal information provided by you outside of China to other Hapag-Lloyd entities and/or to third party vendors. 在您申请该职位空缺过程中所提供的个人信息可能会被传输至中国境外的其他赫伯罗特实体和/或第三方服务商以进行进一步的评估和处理。赫伯罗特会依据相关法律要求,包括中国网络安全法,来确保您所提供之个人信息的保密和隐私。通过提交您的申请,您授权赫伯罗特将您所提供的个人信息至中国境外的赫伯罗特实体和/或第三方服务商。
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